From time to time I like to create a piece just to do something different. I enjoy presenting subjects in situations or poses that are unusual and not expected. Be it a lioness getting a cool drink, a mouse sitting on a maple leaf, or a very content grizzly bear, this casual approach to design has produced some of my favorite pieces.
Bears are usually portrayed as lumbering, growling and ferocious. This Grizzly is just having a good day fishing.
Black Walnut Bear and Ebony Water 20"L x 14"W x 7"H
This African Lioness has found her way to a watering hole for a cool drink. This is a compilation of several woods. The lion is Walnut. The logs are Maple and Oak. The water is Australian Mallee Root and the lily pad is Cypress. "At The Watering Hole" 28L x 12w x 4"h
Nothing is more majestic than eagles. Eagles arrive in our area in the spring and can often be seen soaring and fishing in the Merrimac River nearby. This sculpture was inspired by my discovery of a large, solid Eastern Cedar Root ball, a rare find. Within it's swirling grain I visualized this un-characteristic pose. The base is made from Spanish Cedar.
"Eagle with fish" 26"H x 8"W x 6"D
Carved a little oversize, this mouse and base cut from a single Eastern Red Cedar stump. I researched dozens of references on mice. Until I did, I never realized how very meticulous these creatures are.
"Mouse on a Maple Leaf" 7"High x 5" Diameter
Though very cute, penguins are difficult to make interesting and unusual. King Penguins hold their eggs on top of their very large feet shielding the sensitive egg from the antarctic cold with folds of skin and feathers. Very caring parents.
He is shown siting on the chips created by Carving.
"King Penguin" African Mahogany 32" high